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Css Profile Error: ((0)) Invalid Transaction Type(12) Please Try Again.

Tabular array of Contents

  1. What Are Credit Card Turn down Codes?
  2. List of Credit Card Reject Codes
  3. What'due south the Difference Between a Hard Decline and a Soft Decline?
  4. What Does Decline Code 51 Mean?
  5. What Does Decline Code 05 Mean?
  6. What Does Pass up Lawmaking 91 Mean?

A credit carte being declined is never a fun experience. Many customers feel both a sense of frustration at the filibuster in making their buy and a sense of embarrassment, worrying that anyone effectually might presume they're someone who spends coin recklessly. Merchants know, nevertheless, that there are a wide multifariousness of possible reasons for a credit card being declined. Some of these reasons tin can exist resolved chop-chop and hands, while others require the merchant to ask for another method of payment or even accept some other action requested by the issuer.

In club to respond properly to a declined credit card and salvage those transactions that can be salvaged, merchants need to be familiar with the decline codes they might receive and what those codes mean. Permit's talk near the about common decline codes and how merchants should respond when they receive them.

New call-to-action Virtually refuse codes are sent early in the transaction procedure, when the merchant first attempts to obtain authorization to run the carte du jour.

A decline message doesn't hateful the transaction is a loss. Even if the customer doesn't have an alternate payment method, many decline codes bespeak errors or inconsistencies that can be corrected.

If this can be done, the merchant can continue attempting the transaction until the reasons for the refuse are addressed and the transaction goes through. Withal, merchants need to be careful about getting the proper authorization and re-running transactions correctly, or else they could finish upwardly liable for authorization-related chargebacks down the line.

What Are Credit Carte du jour Decline Codes?

A credit card refuse code is a 2-digit alphanumeric code that indicates the reason why a credit menu transaction was declined. These codes provide additional data for merchants that lets them know whether or not the transaction should be reattempted.

Many entities are involved in processing a credit card transaction. It starts with the merchant and the customer, only before any coin really changes hands, it will get through a payment processor, gateway, and the customer's issuing depository financial institution. If whatever of these parties detects a problem with the transaction, they may reject it. If this happens, they will send dorsum a decline lawmaking that specifies the reason why the transaction could not exist processed.

Decline codes aren't completely uniform across all networks, simply after a major effort in recent years to standardize these codes across the industry, there's at present a standardized list of codes covering nearly situations.

Merchants will rarely encounter a network-specific decline code, merely if they do, they'll need to reference that network's list of response codes in order to understand what it means.

List of Credit Card Decline Codes

Pass up Lawmaking Meaning
01 Refer to issuer
02 Refer to issuer (special condition)
03 Invalid merchant
04 Pick up bill of fare (No fraud)
05 Do not honor
06 Fault
07 Pick upward card (fraud)
10 Partial approving
12 Invalid transaction
13 Invalid corporeality
fourteen Invalid account number
15 No such issuer
19 Re-enter transaction
21 No activity taken
25 Unable to locate tape in file
28 File temporarily not available for update or injury
41 Lost carte, selection up
43 Stolen menu, choice up
51 Insufficient funds
52 No checking business relationship
53 No savings account
54 Expired carte du jour
55 Incorrect PIN
57 Transaction not permitted - card
58 Transaction non permitted - terminal
59 Suspected fraud
61 Exceeds approval corporeality limit
62 Invalid/restricted service code
63 Security violation
64 Transaction does not fulfill AML requirement
65 Exceeds withdrawal limit
70 PIN information required
75 Allowable number of PIN entry tries exceeded
76 Unsolicited reversal
78 Blocked, first utilise
79 Already reversed
82 Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
85 No reason to turn down
86 Cannot verify PIN
91 Issuer or switch unavailable
92 Unable to road transaction
93 Transaction can't exist completed - violation of police force
96 System error
97 Invalid CVV
1A Additional customer hallmark required
R0 Recurring charge stopped at customer asking
R1 Recurring charge stopped at client request

What Are the Well-nigh Mutual Decline Codes?

The listing of credit carte du jour decline codes is long—even longer if you were to include all those specific to one network or issuer—but some codes are more mutual than others. Codes 51 (bereft funds) and 05 (do not honour) are specially common.

Here'southward a rundown of the most mutual reject codes:

  • 54 - Insufficient funds: At the fourth dimension dominance was requested, the customer's account did not take sufficient funds to cover the transaction.
  • 65 - Withdrawal limit exceeded: The transaction would exceed the maximum withdrawal corporeality on the account. This code may specify that the limit is daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • 05 - Do not honor: The issuer will not process the transaction. The customer volition need to contact them for farther details
  • 54 - Expired card: The bill of fare is by its expiration date.
  • fourteen - Invalid card number: The card number provided does not match whatever active card in the issuer's database.
  • 97 - Invalid CVV: The CVV number provided does not match what the issuer has on file. Wrong CVV numbers may also result in lawmaking 63, which indicates a security violation.
  • 94 - Indistinguishable transaction: The transaction details match an earlier transaction and the processor is flagging it to foreclose an erroneous double charge.
  • R0 or R1 - Recurring charge stopped at customer request: The customer asked their bank to finish accepting a item recurring accuse.
  • 03 - Invalid merchant: The merchant may not take configured their payment processor software correctly.
  • 41 or 43 - Pick up carte du jour, lost or stolen: The card has been reported lost or stolen, and the issuer is asking the merchant to keep the card, if possible, and call them.

Obviously, you wouldn't desire to keep trying to run a card that had been reported lost or stolen, only it'southward not unheard of to mistype a CVV number or expiration date. Yous can attempt to correct errors and attempt a transaction a second time when you sympathise which transactions are safe to retry and which should not be attempted again. The key is knowing the departure between hard and soft declines.

What's the Difference Between a Hard Decline and a Soft Decline?

A soft decline is one that indicates the transaction can be reattempted. The second effort may exist approved if the trouble that caused the first decline has been fixed. A hard decline is final. Transactions that receive hard declines should never exist reattempted.

Ambitious anti-fraud tools at the processor level tin sometimes cause soft declines. Your processor will take rules and guidelines for retrying soft-declined transactions. Review the data they accept provided y'all and be specially careful virtually allowing automated retries. In a menu-non-nowadays surround, your system should ideally be prepare to cake repeated attempts at a transaction that has returned a hard refuse code.

Download the eGuide, 4 Reasons to Hire a Chargeback Management Company The best way to recover sales in the case of hard declines is to offer the customer alternate payment methods. You tin can besides offer to concord an item in reserve if they need to contact their banking concern to resolve a security flag or go their limit increased.

Merchants should never attempt to "brute force" a transaction without proper dominance, equally these can effect in chargebacks that they will be unable to fight. When you lot do work with a customer to get effectually a soft refuse and obtain authorization for a transaction, make sure you carefully document the actions yous took and retain that data as evidence in case they ever decide to dispute information technology. Good tape-keeping tin be crucial to successfully fighting a chargeback dispute.

Merchants may benefit from keeping a reference canvas on hand with a list of turn down codes and instructions for employees on how to handle each. This allows employees to inform customers why their card has been declined and prevents whatever mix-ups involving retrying or non retrying a transaction.

Having consistent policies for handling various decline codes tin assistance process any transactions that can exist processed and prevent potency-related chargebacks.

Nobody likes getting a pass up code—not the customer, and certainly not the merchant—but they serve an important purpose by preventing problematic transactions from going through and alerting you lot to the issues that need to exist resolved. When merchants empathise the decline codes their processor returns, they tin can human activity quickly and decisively to recover sales past correcting transaction errors and offer alternative payment methods


What Does Decline Code 51 Mean?

Code 51 typically indicates that there are insufficient funds in the cardholder's account to procedure the transaction. This should be handled by requesting that the customer apply an alternate method of payment, if available.

What Does Refuse Code 05 Mean?

Code usually means "Practice not award." Unfortunately, information technology'southward i of the less specific turn down codes. It could mean that the billing address entered doesn't match, or that some other reddish flag has been triggered.

What Does Turn down Code 91 Mean?

Code 91 typically indicates that a network communication error has occurred. It's typically safe to merely retry the transaction. Codes 85 and 00 can also indicate communication errors.

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