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How to Change the Picture on Facebook of a Website I Upload

How to Edit Facebook Link Previews

Page managers can no longer edit organic link previews (thumbnails, headlines, and descriptions) from the folio publisher. Go ahead, try it.

From the page publisher…

Edit Facebook Page Post Link

Previously, you could click into the headline or description of any link yous are looking to share and edit what it says. Those items tin no longer exist inverse. You also could have removed the link thumbnail and replaced it with something else. Now, if you click that "x" at the pinnacle correct of the image, it removes the preview entirely with no power to replace the image.

This is also the case in the Page Posts area of Ads Director…

Facebook Link Preview Page Posts

Facebook took away the power to edit link previews as part of ongoing efforts to gainsay clickbait and misinformation. Offenders would edit that data to mislead readers.

Previously, yous could share a link to a legit and trusted source. So edit the epitome, headline, and description to make a baseless merits that isn't in that commodity. Merely since many people won't read that article and they want the headline to be truthful, they'll share it.

Unfortunately, the removal of these options takes away a tool that ethical marketers accept used as well. Sometimes, the preview information isn't upward to snuff and you desire to change information technology without irresolute the message. At that place are many reasons why you lot might want to edit this data.

All that said, you may have options — though wait even some of these to disappear eventually.

i. Edit Open Graph Tags

This is the one selection that should always be available, but just to the actual website publishers.

Open Graph tags on your website provide Facebook with the content it needs to fill a link preview. If a link thumbnail, title, or clarification doesn't appear when you paste a link on Facebook, it'south because those tags weren't properly created.

There are many ways to update Open Graph tags. I use a WordPress plugin called Yoast SEO. This allows me to manually override what is sent to Facebook.

Yoast SEO Facebook Open Graph

If I wanted to change what appears in the link preview on Facebook, I could decide to edit information technology from my website admin. This way, that data would be changed globally for anyone who shares the link to my postal service — not merely this one fourth dimension.

If you've ever made these changes before, though, you may have noticed that Facebook often doesn't display the updated data after making your changes. That'due south considering the quondam data is cached. Y'all demand to force Facebook to scrape it over again.

You do this with Facebook'south Sharing Debugger.

Facebook Sharing Debugger

Click the "Scrape Again" button. The next fourth dimension you share that link to Facebook, it should pull the new information from the updated Open Graph tags.

ii. Claim Link Ownership

Facebook understands that this is a major pain to publishers — media companies in particular. So Facebook is granting admission to link preview editing to sure publishers who first claim buying of a website.

If you claim link buying through Domain Verification, you lot'll be able to do more than than just edit link headlines and descriptions from your page. You can besides control who has and doesn't have the power to edit link thumbnail images, headlines, and descriptions in ads that go to your website.

Facebook Domain Verification

Read this postal service for a full tutorial on Domain Verification. If you don't have access to it, Facebook suggests reaching out to your partner manager.

Facebook Link Ownership Tool

Of form, you may not have admission to a partner manager. That leaves one more option…

3. Create an Advertizement, Publish via Page Posts

The concluding option is kind of a pain. Simply it does the trick (at least for now — it's going away, as well).

Assuming no 1 restricted who tin can and tin can't edit ad link thumbnail images, headlines, and descriptions, y'all can create an advertizing.

You see, when y'all create an advertising, the link information that you lot provide will go through a review process. Facebook will bank check to exist sure that the link preview data that you provide is acceptable. Once that approval is granted, yous can publish your ad organically.

Of grade, if yous don't desire to run the ad, merely make sure to stop it before it starts. Merely you'll need to wait for approval start.

When creating the ad, I edit the link epitome, headline, or clarification…

Edit Facebook Page Post Link

One time the advertizement is canonical, it volition appear within the Page Posts section under Ads.

Edit Facebook Page Post Link

Cheque the box next to information technology, click "Action" and select the selection to publish. Your link preview edits will now announced in an organic post. Merely don't forget to conciliate the entrada if y'all don't want it to run!

Call back, though, that this ability may have been restricted past the domain owner. If so, y'all'll get an error.

Facebook Domain Verification

Sympathise that even this selection will be going away, besides.

Edit Facebook Page Post Link

It makes total sense that information technology would, given that it's a workaround for those wanting to create disinformation.

Your Plough

Facebook has practiced reasons for removing the ability to edit the link preview data, as abrasive as that may be for ethical publishers. Are you still editing link previews? Which method are you using?

Let me know in the comments below!


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