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Full House Michelle Rides Again Part 2 Full House Season 3 All Episodes

Michelle Rides Again (Part 2)
Season viii, episode 24


Air date May 23, 1995
Writer(s) Carolyn Omine
Managing director Joel Zwick
Previous Michelle Rides Once more (Part 1)
Next Our Very First Show, Once again (Fuller House)

Michelle Rides Once again (Part ii) is the second role of the two-part series finale (flavor 8) of Full Business firm. Information technology originally aired on May 23, 1995.


Instead of a teaser, a clip montage is shown, summarizing part one, with Dave Coulier'due south voiceover proverb, "Previously on Full Business firm...", and and then a fade to the opening credits for the terminal time.


Michelle is rushed to the hospital, where Danny realizes that the reason why she was on the riding trail with Elizabeth was that she did non want to compete, thanks to him putting too much pressure on her to beat Elizabeth and because of his fight with Morgan.

Anybody is relieved when a dr. tells them that Michelle is out of danger, simply she did take a blow to the caput, so he has decided to keep her in the hospital overnight for observation. He takes merely the guys to the room she is in, but she does not remember who they are. The doctor explains that retention loss, in this case, amnesia, is mutual with head injuries, and it is usually temporary.

At home, on the day Michelle is scheduled to be released from the infirmary, Andrew comes dorsum over and explains that the reason why he is been reluctant to osculation Stephanie is because he did not know how she would feel about it, simply due to what Michelle said a few days before, he feels a lot meliorate about it, and they share a kiss.

Kimmy comes over and tells D.J. that Duane's cousin, Wayne, has agreed to exist her prom engagement. She is surprised when Kimmy mentions that he is a professional at William Shakespeare's stories.

Danny brings Michelle home from the hospital, but she is awkward and nevertheless amnesiac. Per the physician'due south advice, the family unit shows her effectually the business firm in hopes that seeing familiar things volition at to the lowest degree assistance her retrieve some of her life. Just their efforts, from the "tram tour" ending in her and Stephanie's room (see Quotes), to the guys singing "(Let Me) Be Your Teddy Bear", practice not jog her retention. When she asks almost her mother, everyone is stunned and speechless as she doesn't ask a lot well-nigh her, due to being a babe when she died, (every bit somber music plays). She decides to rest on her bed (or and then she thinks; run across Quotes). And even Nicky, Alex, and Comet try to assist her retrieve (see Quotes).

Non much afterwards, the family tries withal again to jog her memories by using photo albums (referencing previous episodes, see Trivia), only again, to no avail. So she goes back upstairs to take another nap; this time, in her own bed. And equally she sleeps, she is awakened by a voice. Information technology is none other than her retention, who looks exactly like her (meet Quotes).

Joey tells Jesse that his center is but not in having their ain Television prove anymore. Jesse agrees, saying that he does not want to have annihilation to practise with anything that will take away too much time with his family, so they decide to not to do then.

On prom nighttime, D.J. is getting ready to leave. Michelle comes downstairs and talks to anybody. They realize that she may have regained her memory, so they ask her questions to confirm it. D.J. and Becky tell her nigh the accident, and they are all happy that she is finally dorsum to normal (every bit uplifting music starts playing) (see Quotes).

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Kimmy arrives in her light-upwards prom dress (and that kills the music) (come across Quotes), and, after learning Michelle got her retentiveness back, tells D.J. that Wayne is unable to get in, but she did bring someone with her to have D.J. Anybody (including the studio audition) is surprised to see that it is Steve Hale. She is delighted. They acknowledge how much they have missed each other, and the two share a osculation (as shown in GIF) (which gets a big reaction from the audience). And he too is glad that Michelle got her memory back (see Quotes).

Michelle asks Jesse (every bit the inspirational music plays for the last time) how out of it she was, and he speaks for the whole family when he explains that information technology was like a office of all of them was missing (see Quotes). They all hug her, as well equally each other (equally the music plays out, the audience applauds, and the EP credits announced for the last time).


Danny: [to Michelle] Look, sweetheart, you had an accident. You fell off your horse, and you hit your head. I'yard so sorry I put so much pressure level on you.
Michelle: That'southward OK.

Jesse: [reading a story to the twins] So the announcer said, 'Elvis has left the building.'

[Comet runs toward Michelle. She backs abroad.]
D.J.: Comet simply wants to say 'howdy'.
Michelle: Do I like dogs?
Jesse: Aye, you love dogs.
Michelle: Oh, skilful. [to Comet] Hi, trivial girl.
Jesse: Uh... a boy.

Stephanie: [acting like a cable automobile operator (appropriately)] Michelle, please keep your hands and arms within the tram at all times.
Michelle: Practise we have a tram?
D.J.: Just stick with us.

Joey: Hey, Michelle. Look who'due south here. It's your sometime buddy Mr. Woodchuck.
Mr. Woodchuck: Hi, Michelle. Think me? I hope you [swishes head around] ... wood (would). I've really been pining for you. Ha ha!

[Every bit the family tries to assist her remember...]
Michelle: Can I ask you lot a question?
Danny: Certain, anything.
Michelle: Yous're my dad, correct?
Danny: Aye, that'southward right.
Michelle: And then... where's my mom?
[With that, anybody looks stunned (especially Becky).]
Danny: [solemnly] I'm sorry merely, uh... your mom died when yous were merely a little girl.
Michelle: So even if I practice get ameliorate, I won't remember her?
Joey: Well, Michelle, we'll tell you anything about her that you desire to know.
Michelle: Was she pretty?
Jesse: Oh, Michelle, she was very pretty. Yous run into, your mom was my sister. And you know what? You look just like her.
Michelle: I know you all want me to call up, but I tin't. I'thousand sad.
Danny: Oh, don't worry about it, honey. It's fine.
Michelle: It's not fine. I don't know who I am. I'm just gonna lie down in my own bed [only she goes to Stephanie'southward].
Stephanie: Uh, Yard-Michelle, that'south my be...
Becky: Uh, Steph, this is not really a good fourth dimension. [And with that, everyone else departs let her endeavor to re-get together her throughts.]

[In the morning, the twins run into Stephanie and Michelle'southward room.]
Nicky & Alex: Michelle, Michelle, Michelle...
[They go to Michelle'south bed, where Stephanie is sleeping and wakes upwardly, and points out that Michelle is...]
Stephanie: Over there [on her bed].
Nicky & Alex: Michelle, Michelle, Michelle...
Michelle: [wakes up] What exercise you guys want?
Nicky: Do you 're-number' (recollect) yet?
Michelle: I know y'all're my cousins...

[After the twins leave, Stephanie walks over to her sister.]
Stephanie: Hey Michelle, before your accident, we had a fight [referring to the chase].
Michelle: Really?
Stephanie: Yes, I feel atrocious about what I said, I said I was never gonna forgive you.
Michelle: Why? What did I practice?
Stephanie: It was nothing really, it was just a stupid argument. But information technology turned out okay. Thanks to y'all, I establish out that Andrew actually likes me. In fact, he finally kissed me.
Michelle: Well, I'm glad everything worked out.
Stephanie: I'chiliad really distressing about what I said. So do y'all accept my apology?
Michelle: I guess so. Do you experience better now?
Stephanie: I would experience meliorate if y'all knew what I was talking about.
Michelle: I would feel amend if I knew what everybody was talking about.

Danny: D.J., I really retrieve you should go this night. Y'all only get i senior prom.
Becky: Aye, my prom was wonderful. I felt just like Cinderella.
D.J.: Did you encounter Prince Charming?
Becky: No, but I lost my shoe, I had a mouse in my car, and my date had a head like a pumpkin. But the signal is, it's your prom. You lot'll retrieve information technology forever.
D.J.: Well, I know the prom is special; I went to Steve's and information technology was the virtually romantic night of my life. But I but don't know how to have a good time when Michelle'southward home, scared and dislocated.
[The minute her proper name is mentioned, Michelle walks into the living room from the kitchen.]
Michelle: I'm ruining everybody's fun.
D.J.: No, Michelle. I didn't hateful it that mode.
Michelle: Which mode did you mean it?
D.J.: I just want you to feel better.
Michelle: How'south skipping your prom gonna brand me better?
D.J.: Well, actually, it won't.
Michelle: Y'all feel bad if y'all're missing your prom, I feel bad when you're missing your prom. One of u.s.a. should go to that prom.
D.J.: Well, I would go, but I recall information technology'south too belatedly at present.

Jesse: Always since Michelle's blow, I've really been thinking nigh my priorities. And anything that'south gonna take more time abroad from my family... you lot know what, I only don't have the time in my life for it.
Joey: There's zip that'due south more important than your family.

Jesse: Michelle, I'll never forget the first time I saw yous. I was in the maternity ward, and I was looking through the window, and I looked in at you and I waved. And you know what, you looked back at me, and I swear you smiled at me. Of grade, the nurse said it was gas, but I wasn't buying it.
Michelle: Wow, we've known each other for a long time.
Jesse: A long fourth dimension. You know, it's funny, when I moved in hither to aid raise you lot kids, I had no thought that ane 24-hour interval, you'd be helping me heighten mine.

Jesse: Joey, I can't wait until you have kids someday. You're gonna be a great father. I mean, there's nothing like looking downwardly at a beautiful infant in your arms and knowing that you created it. Of class, you're gonna have to find a woman get-go.
Joey: Yeah. Information technology'd be prissy to hold something warm and cuddly that didn't always talk almost wood.
Jesse: It'll happen for you, pal.


[Michelle is sleeping in her own bed when suddenly, she hears a vocalisation from someone standing right in forepart of her (maybe even a few feet from her)...]
Michelle's Memory: I remember this room. I retrieve these walls. I recollect this bed [points to information technology, walks over, and sits down]. I remember it all.
Michelle: [gets upward, see correct] Who are y'all, and why do you remember everything?
Retention: That's my job, I'one thousand your retention.
Michelle: Where the heck have you lot been? I've been looking all over for y'all.
Retentivity: I know. When nosotros fell off the horse, I got scared and I hid. I hope I didn't cause you any trouble.
Michelle: [giving her retentiveness's head a hard tap, merely not also hard] Duh! I'g walking effectually in this house with an empty head, and I'm hugging people I inappreciably know.
Memory: Well, go prepare, because once they realize that I'm dorsum, they're gonna go hug wild (see Trivia).
Michelle: Oh, keen.
Memory: Don't worry. One time y'all remember how much you love them, you'll be joining right in.
Michelle: Please don't always leave me over again.
Retentiveness: I won't, I promise. Uh, we're supposed to hug at present.
Michelle: Why doesn't that surprise me.
[The two hug...]
Memory: Ready?
Michelle: Ready. [Her memory goes back into her body, and she sits back down on her bed, relieved to have a new lease on life.]

Becky: Deej, y'all're gonna have such a special evening with... whatever his name is (Duane's cousin).

[As the family quizzes Michelle to exam her retentiveness, Joey asks one more than question:]
Joey: What's the capital of Nevada?
Michelle: I don't know (Carson City).
Joey: She never knew that! Her memory's dorsum!
[Danny picks her upwardly and kisses her.]
Michelle: Is everybody nuts? What'due south going on?
D.J.: Michelle, y'all cruel off your horse, and hit your head.
Becky: And you couldn't retrieve who yous were or any of us.
Michelle: How can I forget you guys? Y'all are my family. [...]
[Kimmy comes in wearing her prom dress that contains flashing lights. She flips a switch on the battery pack causing the lights to wink much quicker than when she entered, and then flips the lights off.]
D.J.: Kimmy, Michelle got her memory back.
Kimmy: She forgot her memory? Oh, yep. I forgot.

[D.J. and Steve are ready to depart for the prom, but something crosses Steve's mind regarding everyone.]
Steve: I heard you guys had a pretty tough week. How are you feeling, Michelle?
Michelle: I'm feeling meliorate. How out of it was I?
Jesse: Oh, pretty out of information technology. I hateful, you were here, sweetheart, simply it was like role of you was missing. And so, it was like part of all of us was missing. Merely, we stuck it out and we got through it.
Joey: Simply like we always do.
Danny: [picking up his "little princess" and property her in his arm (shown in the infobox)] Just like we always will.
[Everyone hugs her and each other (every bit the episode/serial ends).]

Episode notes

The episode originally ended with a drapery call during the closing credits with all of the main cast members coming out for their final bows in reverse order of the opening credits (i.east. starting with the twins and ending with Jesse). The abbreviated opening theme song from seasons 3–7 played one last time, and the words "Our Thanks, Our Love" appeared afterward the copyright screen, at which point the scene froze rather than letting the concluding bows play out. The words faded out and were followed by fade-ins and fade-outs of both the Jeff Franklin Productions and Miller-Boyett Productions logos, as well equally "In Association With", and the Warner Bros. Television Logo playing out equally usual. This endmost was cut from the DVD release of the episode, and from summertime repeats and syndicated runs too, and was replaced with stills from that episode and the closing theme played as usual, with the logos and "In Clan With" cut in and out prior to the WBTV logo.[1] In addition, rather than having both the final scene and mantle call in the living room, the curtain call was done in the kitchen.


  • A Japanese program took viewers on a backside-the-scenes await at the episode; the set reveals that the girls' room in the Tanner house is directly next to the living room[2]
  • 2 separate promos were done for the episode: i in which the voice-over mistakenly says after seven years[three], and one coinciding with that night's season finale of Home Improvement (followed past a 2nd episode) and the NYPD Blue season 2 finale episode A.D.A. Sipowicz.[4]
  • Despite being the last episode in the original run of the serial, information technology was not the last one they shot; that was the preceding episode "All Stood Upwardly", which was when the drape telephone call, as the series wrapped and the cast members took their last bow, actually took identify[5]
    • John Stamos also had someone tape the curtain telephone call (concluding bows),[6] and released it to his Instagram account to celebrate the release of Fuller House (the video shows the taping engagement was February 24, 1995)
  • The first appearance of Steve since the terminate of season seven
  • The fourth episode in which the Olsen twins announced adjacent in the same scene; Mary-Kate as Michelle and Ashley as Michelle's retentivity
  • Michelle's memory's remark of "hug wild" is a have on the expression "hog wild"
  • Reportedly, the Olsen twins were non aware that it was the serial finale until they were handed flowers past their real-life siblings
  • For some reason, the hospital waiting room scene was cut out of the DVD version of the episode
  • Reportedly, this two-parter (which was originally shown as a one-hour episode) was non intended to be a series-ending episode, only due to the rising cost for salaries, and the ascent production costs for ABC to go along it airing, there were talks of defecting to some other network, but John Stamos announced that flavor eight would be his terminal if the show was to motion to 1 of the two newer upstarts (UPN or the WB); also, Candace Cameron was either in or would be starting college in the fall of 1995 (similar her character), so she decided this flavor would exist her last
  • Danny has the last line of the serial: "Just like we ever will" (incidentally, he has the 2d line of the series – his mother has the get-go)
  • The following episodes are referenced during the family unit'due south photograph album attempts to regain Michelle's memory:
    • Tanner's Island – the family unit's Hawaiian vacation
    • Captain Video (Part 1), Lovers and Other Tanners, and The Final Dance – her existence a Honeybee
    • The Business firm Meets the Mouse (Part 1) and The House Meets the Mouse (Role 2) – her "Princess of the Day" gig at Walt Disney World
  • The inspirational music is (accordingly) a somber version of the theme song (to marker its ending), ending on a musical flourish (to mark its ending on a loftier note)


  1. Full Business firm series finale syndicated closing credits (from a German broadcast or the German DVD set)
  2. Behind the Scenes
  3. Promo #1
  4. Promo #2
  5. Final Curtain Call
  6. John Stamos' video of the curtain telephone call


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